Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Officially, today is a CFFB Rest Day, but I had an unofficial rest day Monday, so I went in today.

Bear Complex x 5 up to max (65, 95, 115, 135, 150)

1 min on / 1 min off for 10 minutes
30 kettlebell swings @ 32kg
- After a round and a half (45 swings) I bailed to 24kg, after the heavy deads yesterday my whole posterior chain was shot. I failed to complete 3 rounds, the first because I was switching KBs, the others I had my last swing a second or two over the minute. As per CFFB, I did a 1k row penalty for each missed round.

3k row: 12:29

BNQ: 7/10

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

CFFB: Deadlift 5 RM (380#)
- Also did a 1RM attempt @ 400# and got it. That's 2x BW, felt awesome


Perform 1 Power Snatches every 30 seconds for 10 minutes. (@ 95#)


As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of Pull Ups w/ 15# added (25)

BNQ: 7/10

Power Clean 5 x 3 - 135, 135, 135, 135, 135
15# Max Rep Strict Pull Up x 3 - 8, 7, 7


12 Rounds:
50 yard sprint (3:1 rest:work)

BNQ: 8/10

4/16 & 4/17
Beast of the East: reffed multiple games, felt great to be outside, issued my first yellow card.

Rest Day
4/13 - CFFB Rest Day

Box Jump: 5 x 1 w/ 10# vest. 40", 41.5", 43", 44", 44"
GHD Sit-up: 4 every 30s for 10 minutes


8 rds:
3 Presses @ 85"
10 K2E

- 11:22, K2E were real rough by the end

BNQ: 5/10

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spent an excellent weekend in NYC with friends and coffee people, but no workouts and general debauchery. As such I was feeling less than 100% for...

80 push ups, every time you need to rest on the ground, do a 40 yd sprint
- 11:34, with six sprints

THIS FELT AWFUL. Every joint ached, lungs burned, discomfort all over the place. Definitely a 2/10 BNQ, with 1 being no exercise at all and a 0 being an actual loss to Newport.

Every 30 seconds:
Perform 1 Deadlift every 30 seconds for 15 minutes. (275#)
Max Strict Pull Ups x 3 (9, 9, 4)
3 x 12 Weighted GHD Back Extensions (25# vest)

I must have burned all the toxins out with my lame showing yesterday, because this felt really good. I could have gone heavier on the deads, felt real strong. The pull ups didn't feel great, but strict pull ups never feel great. The GHD extensions also felt good, strong. All this core/lower back work is really paying off, I was feeling excellent during contact at practice.

BNQ: 7/10
Felt good,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Strength: Deadlift - Up to 5RM Max
5 x 135
5 x 135
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 315
5 x 355
5 x 370 (5RM PR)

Then: 5 x 300m shuttles (6 x 50m lengths)

Defensive Alignment Drills, 4 x 70m suicides

- Upon completing the 5 x 370, I was for the first time confident that a 400# DL is within my reach soon, which is a great feeling. Huge thanks to Gino on advising longer rest periods between heavy sets, it really made a big difference. Fresh wind is nice, but there is also a big confidence booster in re-approaching the bar with authority.
- The shuttles were absolutely brutal, especially given reduced rest time to make it more similar to rugby. The last one was without a doubt the slowest. Having the suicides snuck in at the end of practice was a real groaner for me, but it will be worth it on the pitch.

- Not 100% sure I beat Newport today, but I am fully certain none of those beach dwelling mimosa swilling hippies beat me today. Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

BNQ: 8/10

Monday, April 4, 2011


Squat 15 x 1 w/ 5 seconds rest


Complete 5 rounds for time:

1 Press @ 80% of 1 RM
1 Pull Up
3 Presses @ 80% of 1 RM
3 Pull Ups
5 Presses @ 80% of 1 RM
5 Pull Ups

I used 240 for the back squat (80% 1RM) and it felt solid. I need to warm up more for quad dominant movements, my right knee felt sore and shaky for the first three or four reps. After that everything felt solid, could have done a few more or a bit more weight.

For the timed portion, I did 65# for the press, which is well below 80%1RM, but my right shoulder is still real sketchy. 9:29, and it felt pretty good, maintained good intensity.

BNQ: 6/10

Sunday, April 3, 2011

CFFB: Rest Day

Went up to Lasell College outside of Boston to help ref a short-game tournament among some D4 College sides. Was nice to get out and have a run, but it was certainly not a serious workout.

BNQ: 1/10